Baby Sensory Cork County


The cost for Baby Sensory County Cork is €14 per class, payable per term upfront. For twins we charge €21 per class - please get in touch to book.
Please note that as we work on fixed terms, unfortunately we are unable to offer refunds if you miss a class. However you are welcome to have a friend and their age appropriate baby attend in your place if you let us know in advance, or if we have space available you can attend a session in another location in the same week, again this must be arranged in advance.
Please read full Terms and Conditions here before booking a place in a class.
Covid-19 Terms and Conditions


Each parent and baby takes full responsibility to attend classes of their own free will and are aware of any risk associated with Covid-19. Baby Sensory cannot be held responsible should any parent or baby start showing symptoms, or contract any illness, virus or infection. HSE guidelines and recommendations made by your class leader must be followed at all times to ensure the safety of all. Each parent is responsible for the movements of their own baby and ensuring that social distancing is maintained at all times. 


Parents and babies agree not to attend class if they have been in contact with a suspected or confirmed case of Covid-19 within 14 days of class. They agree not to attend class if they have been overseas or exposed to someone from overseas within 14 days of class or if they present unwell with potential Covid-19 symptoms, such as fever, cough, shortness of breath or a loss of sense of taste or smell. Parents will agree to take their temperature and baby's temperature each day before class. Should you arrive at class showing any symptoms of illness, your class leader reserves the right to refuse entry to the classroom.


It is mandatory for parents to wear face masks for the duration of the class. Masks must be applied before entering the building and may not be removed at any time while in the classroom. Noses must also be covered at all times. Face visors and other shields may not be used in place of a mask. 


If a person who has attended classes tests positive for Covid-19, the class register will be required as part of the Government's test and trace system. To protect GDPR, the parent (or main care giver) consents to permission for the Class Leader to pass your personal information to the HSE test and trace central database.


Baby Sensory reserves the right to suspend classes should there be any risk of Covid-19 in the community. Given the evolving and unpredictable nature of the pandemic, a decision on how best to proceed will be made after all guidelines, rules and recommendations have been taken into account.


If the class leader is required to isolate and is therefore unable to deliver classes in person, then the classes will be delivered online until such time as the class leader is able to return to in person delivery. There will be no refunds or discounts offered in such circumstances.



Refunds/Cancellations of classes:
Regretfully Baby Sensory is unable to offer concessions for sickness or holidays but you are welcome to give your place to a friend if you know you will be away one week. Please contact to inform us of a change in person attending including their name, baby's name, date of birth, any allergies or illnesses and a contact number. The parent must also confirm that they have read and agree to all Terms & Conditions.

Bookings are non-refundable and non-transferable. Baby Sensory is under no obligation to refund a booking in the event that you are unable to attend or wish to cancel a single session or the entire term.
If you have a prior hospital or doctors appointment and are unable to make your usual session we may be able to fit you into another class that week in an alternative venue. Please contact to enquire. You are also welcome to send another adult to accompany your baby to class if you yourself cannot attend. Please let us know in advance, if possible.
Regretfully you are unable to carry missed sessions over to the new term.
If your class leader is unable to run your class because of illness etc Baby Sensory will try and substitute an alternative class leader. If this isn't possible you will be notified of cancellation by email, text or phone call. Baby Sensory will endeavour to run a 'catch up' class at the end of the term to replace your session.


In certain exceptional circumstances Baby Sensory may be prevented from running classes due to situations beyond their control. These may include floods or treacherous driving conditions (snow or ice) which would pose a risk to our class leaders and parents if they ventured onto the roads, or any other risk to parents and baby's safety. On these occasions Baby Sensory would endeavour to offer a 'catch up' class at the end of the term but if this wasn't possible Baby Sensory reserves the right not to refund due to the exceptional nature of the circumstances.


Please note Baby Sensory County Cork cannot be held responsible for any loss or damage caused to your personal belongings whilst you are attending the classes. 


Classes run in terms throughout the year. You can join a class at any time if places are still available and just pay for the remainder of the term or join the waiting list for a place in the following term.


By registering to attend classes, parents agree to all Terms and Conditions listed above and on our main T&Cs page.